Video Streaming

Stream content from all of your favorite streaming services like NetFlix, Chromecast, YouTube, Sling and more.

Basic and Premium Channels

Get all your favorite chanells, including America’s Top 120, Premium channels, On-Demand and so much more.


Our totally IP based systems has various set top box options including DVR and HDTV. Connect any TV in your suite wirelessly to your set top box.

Hotel and Campus

Bulk rate and video on demand with no set top boxes. Get the best packages available with no etra cabling. No mor coax cables and messy wires. Our video network runs over wireless ro ethernet and uses your existing internet network connections.

Residential and Dorms

Bulk rate packaging with awesome features like package upgrades, premium channels, DVR and HDTV. Need to deliver alot of over the top video on a tight budget? CrossLayer Video is your solution. We have turnkey solutions. We handle everything from installation to billing.

Restaurants and Business

Need to connect your retail, office or business tenants? CrossLayer Video servics can bring high definition video over ethernet and wireless. Full channel lineups, package upgrades, premium channels and various set top box solutions for evem more flexability.

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