Custom ssid

Deploy custo SSIDs with your event name, product name or vendors names.

powerful wifi

Deliver content rich internet to thousands of guests.

managed and secure

Fully managed and totally secure let CrossLayer run your next WIFI event.

Connect to All the Things You Need Faster

Say goodbye to network congestion! CrossLayer’s Guest and Business WiFi services enable a unique and simplified wireless experience, providing you and your guests with access to an ultra-fast, Gigabit Internet service for all of your devices. 


Eliminate “Not Spots” and “Dead Spots”

Our wireless network design approach eliminates “not spots” so you stay connected no matter where you are in the building. Always available network backed by CrossLayer’s BlueZone Concierge Support.

Personal Concierge Service and Support

CrossLayer is your single point of contact, building, operating, and maintaining your network. We provide proactive field services and support all equipment connected to your network, regardless of the manufacturer, so we take the worry off your mind without taking the control of the network service out of your hands. 

event wifi

Let CrossLayer run the internet access at  your next event and com out a winner. 

captive portal

Advirtise and promote products, services and sponsors with your own custom splash page.

guest analytics

Collect data and stats on your guests, their devices and there activities at your next event.

managed and secured

Fully managed and secured network monitored by the best in the business.

Contact CrossLayer! It will only take a minute

Reach out to a CrossLayer Event Professional today.